I was diagnosed as trapped nerve by my doctor. I experienced extreme pain in my shoulder with it shooting down my arm to my hand. I couldn’t sleep or make myself comfortable. I visited Dr Wu several times with the symptoms improving with each visit. Together with the exercises that Dr Wu recommended, I am now totally pain free. I am very grateful and pleased to recommend Dr Wu to others.”
-Keith H.
(From Cambridge)

This Xmas our son was born at the Rosie and we are full of joy and grateful to have found Dr Wu who helped us through a bumpy road.
My husband and I were trying for a child for a few years without any success, I am 43 years old and he is 6 years older. 3 years ago, we decided that we needed some medical help and following on from all the hormonal, genetic, and physical check ups which returned as normal, we were urged by doctors to go for IVF, so we went to see an IVF specialist . After a presentation on the whole procedure, we agreed that this route was not for us because of the sheer amount of medical interventions it involved and its implications on the body. In desperation browsing the Internet on the subject, one night I came across an article describing how Chinese medicine is much more successful in treating infertility then Western one is. The next day I called the Cambridge Chinese Medical Centre and I started seeing Dr Wu with the following goal in mind: to stay pregnant, have a smooth pregnancy and a healthy child.
In the next two years I saw him every week for acupuncture and religiously cooked and drank Chinese herbs. I deeply believed that this will help me achieving my goal. As a consequence, I have stayed pregnant 4 times (a had 3 early miscarriages) and finally the fourth time, I had a smooth pregnancy with an amazing little boy at the end of it.
To add to the above, during these years, Dr Wu also has also treated and cured a tooth infection, cystitis, a number of colds, and back pain during pregnancy.
-Celia C
(From Cambridge)

I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease about 2 years ago and was put on tablets to help relieve the cramping pains I had in my stomach. The tablets stopped the cramping pains, but I still had a dull ache in my stomach, having tried acupuncture before I decided to visit Dr Wu to see if he could help. After a detailed consultation we decided to try Fu’s needling to help my condition. After just the first treatment my stomach felt a lot more relaxed so I booked in for a further 5 treatments which resulted in me gaining weight and less frequent visits to the toilet. I have no relapse since the June 2020.